Monday, April 4, 2011

blog #6

In this part of my book they were in the barbershop and kevin was trying to make Jimmy mad and eventually Jimmy said some bad things to Kevin. Duke made Jimmy go home early because of it. Duke came to Jimmys house later that day to talk to him and they talked about life and about how fair it is. Duke let Jimmy come back to work the next day and everything was fine. Duke said that its not fair that Kevin can get away with things like that but its Kevins decision and decisoins like that are going to hurt him someday. The next day one of the older guys friends came into the barbershop to get a haircut. His name is Scott and he is a millionare. He started out working for a mechanic and the guy he worked for knew how to fix everything except for radiators. They always had to get the radiators shipped out to someone who could fix them. Scott bought some equipment and started fixing radiators and he eventually opened his own business that fixed radiators. He became very wealthy from this and it was just a small business. Duke talked to the boys about success and how Scott made all the right decisions. Jimmy thought scott lucked into being a millionare but hea really didnt. Duke told the boys that they could learn a lot from Scott.

My reaction to how Fair and cool Duke was about Kevin and Jimmys fight was good. It is nice that Duke is so relaxed and understanding about Jimmys situation. Duke knows that Jimmy has a bad temper and thats why he is in the barbershop. Duke accepts Jimmys bad temper but he talks to Jimmy about how he needs to control it. I think that its good that Duke is watching out for jimmy and helping him in this situation. Duke is supposed to be guiding Jimmy thats why he is there and i think he is helping Jimmy out more than Jimmy realizes. Duke really cares about Jimmys future and that is good.

My reaction to Scotts success story is good and that the boys could learn alot from it. Thats why they are at the barber shop to learn from there mistakes. The boys can learn a from a story like Scotts. Scott was just the average guy that grew up in Harlem, he wasnt any different from Jimmy or Kevin when he was growing up. Scott made some very good decisions and he has a good work ethic and thats what the boys need to learn. If you make good decisions in life you can lead a very successful life and that is what Duke is trying to get the boys to realize.

Do you want people to help you throughout your life or would you rather make your own decisions and learn from them? Do people ever guide you in life?

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